On set with "The Holy Word", written by Sarah Mease, directed and edited by Sarah Gartner, director of photography Jannis Schelenz, production design by Hallee Fresco, and produced by Lisa Lucas and Sarah Gartner Starring Rey Selvage, Lisanne Cole, Deangelo Bethea, Olivia Taylor, and Carmen Dahlman. Filmed and shot in Santa Fe, NM in February 2020. Screening at various film festivals.
About "The Holy Word" - After an outcast catholic school girl gets her erotic book taken away by her theology teacher, she tries to steal it back.
In February 2020, the Lannan Foundation hosted the traveling performance piece "Millie and Christine McKoy Sisters' Syncopated Sonnets in Song” by poet Tyehimba Jess and composer Janice A. Lowe, along with an ensemble of musicians and vocalists Melanie Dyer, Yohann Potico, Meredith Wright, and Olitheaat the Lensic in Santa Fe, NM. Wernick attended as the event photographer.
Santa Fe Brew Co. Community Table - Designed & Crafted by Miguel Lucio - MQL
Part of a larger collaborative collection from “Squad Salad” in 2016 that was made up of 9 varied artists chosen by senior Arts Management major Stevvi Aanerud for her stand-in senior thesis when SFUAD failed to provide her with one. My subject was 'cheese', and my concept was - “Cheese is better on everything”